Underdog Marketing

Pedigree marketing that's not for the wider paw-pulation 

Let’s unleash your potential

We partner with individuals who face additional challenges by utilising our extensive industry experience and handling the upfront marketing, creative, technical, legal and other setup/expansion costs and considerations of the business. We also help create, maintain and nurture the right industry connections to take care of the ruff stuff.

dog-gedly diverse team

We've got a varied pack of under-represented social media gurus, IT geeks, lawyers, accountants, mentors and a whole host of other professionals that we collie-berate with.

tail-wagging success

With the right direction and mentoring you'll soon sniff out success.

Industry Lead

We have furry good experience with successful businesses in education, construction, travel & tourism, holiday rentals, property management among others. So you know your business is in good paws.

Focussed on the Underdog

Of course our key demographic is those of under-represented and marginalised communities where we make paw-sitive change.

Throw me a message

and I'll fetch you a response promply

Some of Our Services

Marketing & Branding

Business Setup & Expansion

Industry Connections & Networking

Confidence Building & Personal Growth

Psst - We're For Cats Too - After All, We Are Inclusive!

We're your faithful companions

Hopefully by now you will have realised our mission is to get under-represented and marginalised individuals set up in business and succeed — especially where individuals don’t have the financial means, connections or even confidence to take things to the next, or even first level.

You know where to sniff us out if you want to be park of our pack.